Results for 'E. H. Hare'

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  1.  62
    The Powers That Be.E. H. Madden & P. H. Hare - 1971 - Dialogue 10 (1):12-31.
  2.  27
    A note on the distribution of family sizes in the adult population of Great Britain, 1972.E. H. Hare - 1974 - Journal of Biosocial Science 6 (3):343-346.
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    Age at Paternity in England and Wales, 1901–60.E. H. Hare & P. A. P. Moran - 1978 - Journal of Biosocial Science 10 (4):423-427.
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    Ethical Problems in Clinical Practice: The Limits of Paternalism in Emergency Care.John R. Clarke, John H. Sorenson & John E. Hare - 1980 - Hastings Center Report 10 (6):20.
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    Doing Philosophy Historically.Peter H. Hare (ed.) - 1988 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Can original philosophy be done while simultaneously engaging in the history of philosophy? Such a possibility is questioned by analytic philosophers who contend that history contaminates good philosophy, and by historians of philosophy who insist that theoretical predecessors cannot be ignored. Believing that both camps are misguided, the contributors to this book present a case for historical philosophy as a valuable enterprise. The contributors include: Todd L. Adams, Lilli Alanen, Jos? Bernardete, Jonathan Bennett, John I. Biro, Phillip Cummins, Georges Dicker, (...)
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  6. Gerald E. Myers, "William James: His Life and Thought". [REVIEW]Peter H. Hare - 1987 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 23 (2):309.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]William H. Goetzmann, William Duffy, Jennings L. Wagoner Jr, Roman A. Bernert, Charles D. Biebel, Dorothy Carrington, Richard G. Durnin, Sheldon Rothblatt, David E. Denton, Hyman Kuritz, Nubuo Shimahara, William Hare, Frederick M. Schultz, Floyd K. Wright, Wiiliam Vaughan, Harold B. Dunkel, Michael B. Mcmahon, Owen E. Pittenger, Stephan Michelson, Kal I. Gezi, Lawrence D. Klein, Yale Mandel & Samuel L. Woodward - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (1):28-44.
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  8. Edward H. Madden and Peter H. Hare. Evil and the Concept of God. [REVIEW]William E. Mcmahon - 1970 - Journal of Value Inquiry 5 (1):70.
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    European and American Philosophers.John Marenbon, Douglas Kellner, Richard D. Parry, Gregory Schufreider, Ralph McInerny, Andrea Nye, R. M. Dancy, Vernon J. Bourke, A. A. Long, James F. Harris, Thomas Oberdan, Paul S. MacDonald, Véronique M. Fóti, F. Rosen, James Dye, Pete A. Y. Gunter, Lisa J. Downing, W. J. Mander, Peter Simons, Maurice Friedman, Robert C. Solomon, Nigel Love, Mary Pickering, Andrew Reck, Simon J. Evnine, Iakovos Vasiliou, John C. Coker, Georges Dicker, James Gouinlock, Paul J. Welty, Gianluigi Oliveri, Jack Zupko, Tom Rockmore, Wayne M. Martin, Ladelle McWhorter, Hans-Johann Glock, Georgia Warnke, John Haldane, Joseph S. Ullian, Steven Rieber, David Ingram, Nick Fotion, George Rainbolt, Thomas Sheehan, Gerald J. Massey, Barbara D. Massey, David E. Cooper, David Gauthier, James M. Humber, J. N. Mohanty, Michael H. Dearmey, Oswald O. Schrag, Ralf Meerbote, George J. Stack, John P. Burgess, Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Nicholas Jolley, Adriaan T. Peperzak, E. J. Lowe, William D. Richardson, Stephen Mulhall & C. - 1991 - In Robert L. Arrington, A Companion to the Philosophers. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 109–557.
    Peter Abelard (1079–1142 ce) was the most wide‐ranging philosopher of the twelfth century. He quickly established himself as a leading teacher of logic in and near Paris shortly after 1100. After his affair with Heloise, and his subsequent castration, Abelard became a monk, but he returned to teaching in the Paris schools until 1140, when his work was condemned by a Church Council at Sens. His logical writings were based around discussion of the “Old Logic”: Porphyry's Isagoge, aristotle'S Categories and (...)
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  10. Evil and the Concept of God.Edward H. Madden & Peter H. Hare - 1968 - Religious Studies 7 (1):91-96.
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  11. C. J. Ducasse's progressive, universal hedonism.Edward H. Madden & Peter H. Hare - 1973 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34 (1):36-50.
  12.  54
    Evil and Unlimited Power.Edward H. Madden & Peter H. Hare - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):278 - 289.
    There are a number of possible strategies open to one in meeting this problem. He can try to show that God's unlimited power and goodness are, in fact, compatible; or show, through linguistic analysis, that the problem is meaningless; or show, through the use of the notions of commitment and mysticism, that the problem can be safely ignored. There are, however, grave difficulties with all these moves. So the most reasonable alternative move for one who wishes to remain more or (...)
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  13.  56
    On the difficulty of evading the problem of evil.Edward H. Madden & Peter H. Hare - 1967 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 28 (1):58-69.
  14.  80
    Reflections on civil disobedience.Edward H. Madden & Peter H. Hare - 1970 - Journal of Value Inquiry 4 (2):81-95.
  15. Personhood, Ethics, and Animal Cognition: Situating Animals in Hare's Two-Level Utilitarianism, by Gary E. Varner * The Philosophy of Animal Minds, edited by Robert W. Lurz.K. Andrews - 2014 - Mind 123 (491):959-966.
    A review of Personhood, Ethics, and Animal Cognition: Situating Animals in Hare’s Two-Level Utilitarianism, by Gary E. Varner. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. xv + 336. H/b £40.23. and The Philosophy of Animal Minds, edited by Robert W. Lurz. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Pp. 320. P/b £20.21.
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  16.  33
    The Powers That Be.E. J. Furlong - 1971 - Dialogue 10 (4):768-769.
    In the March 1971 issue of Dialogue Professors E.H. Madden and P.H. Hare attempt with much ingenuity and resource to resuscitate a pre-Humean theory of causal connection. Firmly disowning the “epistemological and metaphysical disasters” that have led to “terrible consequences”,, and making only a mildly favourable gesture in the direction of Michotte, they yet claim that the defence of Hume by modern regularists, even when abetted by the weapons of phenomenology, can be refuted by such indubitable facts as that (...)
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  17.  18
    Contemporary Moral Philosophy. [REVIEW]L. H. C. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):380-381.
    The principal contemporary moral views are treated under three headings: 1) Intuitionism, represented by G. E. Moore, H. A. Prichard, and W. D. Ross; 2) Emotivism, as expounded by C. L. Stevenson; and 3) Prescriptivism, R. M. Hare's view. Warnock carefully distinguishes the questions these views were designed to answer from the questions which he feels they do in fact answer. Warnock emphasizes throughout the problem of the relation between moral discourse and conduct, as well as the question of (...)
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  18.  10
    Issues in Christian Thought. [REVIEW]O. H. S. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (1):145-145.
    Each group of selections in this text book is preceded by about ten pages of commentary by Harrington. These commentaries can be read either before the selections as a preparation setting forth the issues, or after the selections as an elucidation, isolating the selection's central concerns. All the selections, with the exception of Kierkegaard's, are from twentieth century thinkers. The contributors include Tillich, Herberg, G. E. Wright, Bultmann, D. M. Bailie, J. J. C. Smart, Wisdom, Hare, Sartre, Barth and (...)
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  19.  38
    The Discussion on the Principle of Universalizability in Moral Philosophy in the 1970s and 1980s: An Analysis.E. V. Loginov - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 10:65-80.
    In this paper, I analyzed the discussion on the principle of universalizability which took place in moral philosophy in 1970–1980s. In short, I see two main problems that attracted more attention than others. The first problem is an opposition of universalizability and generalization. M.G. Singer argued for generalization argument, and R.M. Hare defended universalizability thesis. Hare tried to refute Singer’s position, using methods of ordinary language philosophy, and claimed that in ethics generalization is useless and misleading. I have (...)
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  20.  54
    Why Hare must hound the gods.Peter H. Hare & Edward H. Madden - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29 (3):456-459.
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  21. W. H. Sheldon's Philosophy of Polarity: A Metaphilosophy.Peter H. Hare - 1967 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 48 (2):200.
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  22. R. M. Hare: A Memorial Address: John Hare.John E. Hare - 2002 - Utilitas 14 (3):306-308.
    My assigned task is to lay out the shape of my father's life and faith. This is daunting, but it is also a privilege because I loved him and admired him, and his life has been central in shaping my own. I am speaking also on behalf of my mother, my three sisters, Bridget, Louise and Ellie, and our children, Catherine and Andrew, Sam and Anisa, Hannah and Matty.
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  23. Identity: Youth and Crisis.E. H. ERIKSON - 1968
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  24.  81
    Hartshorne's Social Feelings and G. H. Mead.Peter H. Hare - 1966 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):69-70.
  25.  17
    Peirce’s Concept of Sign.Peter H. Hare - 1974 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 35 (2):281-282.
  26. Rationality and the Ends of Humean Action.William E. Young - 1992 - Dissertation, University of Notre Dame
    Philosophical tradition sharply distinguishes the conditions under which belief and action are reasonable. This dissertation examines one attempt to sustain this division, namely, the Humean analysis of practical reasons. The Humean analysis divides practical reasons into end and means. The former concerns what one should pursue as goal. The latter, what one should do to realize one's ends. Humeans argue that end reasons are not subject to the conditions of reasonable belief. Since end reasons pick out what has value for (...)
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  27. The moral gap: Kantian ethics, human limits, and God's assistance.John E. Hare - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Is morality too difficult for human beings? Kant said that it was, except with God's assistance. Contemporary moral philosophers have usually discussed the question without reference to Christian doctrine, and have either diminished the moral demand, exaggerated human moral capacity, or tried to find a substitute in nature for God's assistance. This book looks at these philosophers--from Kant and Kierkegaard to Swinburne, Russell, and R.M. Hare--and the alternative in Christianity.
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    Evil and inconclusiveness.Peter H. Hare & Edward H. Madden - 1972 - Sophia 11 (1):8-12.
  29.  71
    Open-mindedness, commitment and Peter Gardner.William Hare & T. H. McLaughlin - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 28 (2):239–244.
    Against Peter Gardner, this article re-asserts a conception of open-mindedness as not requiring either the indecision or neutrality of persons concerning their beliefs, but rather a willingness on their part to form or revise beliefs in the light of evidence and argument. This conception, it will be argued, yields an educational ideal which is both important and coherent. It not only avoids the difficulties which Gardner sees as inherent in the promotion of open-mindedness in children, but also avoids some of (...)
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  30.  83
    Comments: Propositions and Adverbial Metaphysics.Peter H. Hare - 1969 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 7 (3):267-271.
  31.  33
    Reading Rawls. [REVIEW]R. E. - 1976 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (1):123-124.
    This is a collection of essays, most being reprints or revisions of works which have appeared elsewhere, focusing on aspects of Rawls’ treatise. The intent of the volume is to furnish a "guide to the problems and lines of criticism which must be pursued" in the furtherance of a "full scholarly assessment of Rawls’ achievement." Additionally, the editor hopes that the collection may serve as "an aid to the education of advanced students" who may be reading Rawls in graduate seminars. (...)
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    Pragmatism Without Foundations: Reconciling Realism and Relativism.Peter H. Hare - 1991 - Noûs 25 (4):578-580.
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  33. The King's Two Bodies: A Study in Medieval Political Theology.E. H. KANTORWICZ - 1957
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  34. Foundations of Paraphysical and Parapsychological Phenomena.E. H. Walker - 1975 - In L. Oteri, Quantum Physics and Parapsychology. Parapsychology Foundation.
  35. Feeling imaging and expression theory.Peter H. Hare - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 30 (3):343-350.
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    Truth, Knowledge and Causation.Peter H. Hare - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30 (4):619-620.
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  37.  64
    In defense of impersonal egoism.Peter H. Hare - 1966 - Philosophical Studies 17 (6):94 - 95.
  38.  44
    (1 other version)Purposes and methods of writing the history of recent american philosophy.Peter H. Hare - 1968 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 6 (4):269-278.
  39.  23
    Abraham Edel, 1908-2007.Peter H. Hare & Guy W. Stroh - 2007 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 81 (2):169 - 171.
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  40.  49
    An Examination of C. J. Ducasse's Philosophy of Religion.Peter H. Hare - 1971 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 7 (1):58 - 69.
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    A Theodicy For Today? A review of John Hick's Evil and the God of Love.Peter H. Hare - 1966 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 4 (4):287-292.
  42.  54
    Behaviorism and total life orientation.Peter H. Hare - 1964 - World Futures 3 (1):84-86.
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    Buchler’s Ordinal Metaphysics and Process Theology.Peter H. Hare & John Ryder - 1980 - Process Studies 10 (3):120-129.
  44. Causing, Perceiving and Believing: An Examination of the Philosophy of C. J. Ducasse.Peter H. Hare & Edward H. Madden - 1976 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 12 (3):311-316.
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    Causing, perceiving, and believing: an examination of the philosophy of C. J. Ducasse.Peter H. Hare - 1975 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. Edited by Edward H. Madden.
    Although a succession of fashions swept the American philosophical scene, C. J. Ducasse was throughout his long career an effective practitioner of analytic philosophy in the classic tradition. As he explained in 1924 "[i]t is only with truths about such questions as the meaning of the term 'true', or 'real', or 'good', and the like . . . that philosophy is concerned. " Such truths are to be discovered inductively by comparing and analyzing concrete cases of the admittedly proper u/le (...)
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  46.  67
    Evil and Persuasive Power.Peter H. Hare & Edward H. Madden - 1972 - Process Studies 2 (1):44-48.
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  47.  34
    Edward Harry Madden, 1925-2006.Peter H. Hare & Michael L. Peterson - 2007 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 80 (5):169 - 170.
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  48. Introduction.Peter H. Hare - 1975 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 11 (4):229.
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  49.  29
    In Memoriam: Frederic Harold Young (1905-2003) and the Founding of the Peirce Society.Peter H. Hare - 2004 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 40 (3):393 - 415.
  50.  16
    International perspectives on pragmatism.Peter H. Hare (ed.) - 2009 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    International Perspectives on Pragmatism combines, in a very appealing manner, a pragmatist approach of democracy with practical politics and history of ideas. The result is a meditation on contemporary society, while in the background there is a continuous debate on the concept of democracy, as defining mark of Western culture. Both its critics and its supporters talk about a decay of democracy, which would not justify an idealist perspective anymore. Arguments for this transpire from both the practical politics section of (...)
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